You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.4. SALES Menu: Sales Order Processing > 1.4.9. Sales - Reprint Invoice > Reprint Invoice Overview

Reprint Invoice Overview

You reprint an invoice, batched invoice, consignment transfer docket or supply chain order from the Invoice Reprint screen.

To reprint an invoice (or other docket), you need to complete these steps:

  1. Recall the invoice, batched invoice, consignment transfer docket or supply chain order you want to reprint.

Refer to "Recalling the Invoice to be Reprinted"

  1. Optionally, you can view the order lines.

Refer to "Viewing the Invoice Lines".

  1. View or edit other order details, e.g. you can view the invoice header or edit non-financial data.

Refer to "Invoice Reprint - Menu Options".

  1. Reprint or post any changes to the invoice, batched invoice, consignment transfer docket or supply chain order.

Refer to "Reprinting or Posting Changes to an Invoice".